Thursday, February 20, 2014

Compare and contrast .... the hypocrisy of Canada in dealing with Saudi Arabia vs Ukraine

Don't forget that we the people have elected these hypocrites to the high places from which they pretend to be righteous and fair to one and all.   Have you ever known the Canadian govt. to even breathe the word "sanctions" in the same sentence with the words "Saudi Arabia" ... have you? 

From AlAlamEnglishNews:
....Saudi regime forces   have attacked and killed two anti-government activists at their home in the Qatif governorate of Eastern Province.
The two were killed when regime forces supported by armed vehicles stormed their house the town of Awamiyah. The town has been the scene of violent clashes between anti-regime protesters and Saudi forces for three years.
Witnesses said the two were harshly beaten by the regime forces and taken to hospital, where they died.
The move is considered as part of a fresh crackdown on anti-regime protests in Saudi Arabia.
On Wednesday, a Saudi court in Qatif sentenced seven people to jail terms of up to 20 years for taking part in protests in Qatif.
The men were also convicted of chanting slogans against the government......

From CanadaGovt:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued  the following statement on Canada’s response to the escalation of violence in Ukraine:

“Canada continues to be outraged by the ongoing violence in Ukraine. Our Government has responded by introducing a travel ban on the regime’s senior leaders and announcing medical aid to assist the protestors in their time of need. Today, our Government is taking additional action to increase pressure on the regime to end the violence.  

“For months, our Government has delivered a strong message to the Ukrainian Government that its citizens must be allowed to exercise their democratic right to peaceful protest without being subjected to deadly force and appalling brutality. The outrageous violence being witnessed by the world must cease, and we hold the regime responsible for these actions against its own citizens.

“Today, we are imposing an expanded travel ban which will prevent senior members of the Ukrainian Government and other individuals, who bear political responsibility for the violence, from travelling to Canada. This expands the scope of travel restrictions announced on January 28th.  We will also be imposing economic sanctions on the Yanukovych regime and its supporters. 

“It is our hope that these serious steps will convince the Ukrainian Government to seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis. We will continue to monitor developments in Ukraine, and, with our international allies, consider further options.  

“Our Government, working with the Ukrainian-Canadian community and Members of our Caucus, will continue to stand by the Ukrainian people in their fight for a free and democratic Ukraine.”.....

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