Saturday, February 15, 2014

Autoworkers smack their Labor Union to a punishing defeat

Are workers paying those $$$$s from their pay packets to Labor Unions waking up?  I sure hope so. The stranglehold that Labor Union bosses have, on not only their own members but on political parties, must be broken once and for all. Labor Unions were definitely needed in the past of some decades ago, when they actually and truly worked on behalf of the workers. These days, the Unions are nothing but lobbyists working for and on behalf of their preferred political party.  Labor Union bosses are now the new Mafia. 

Steven Greenhouse writing at NYTimes:
...In a defeat for organized labor in the South, employees at the Volkswagen plant here voted 712 to 626 against joining the United Automobile Workers.
The loss is an especially stinging blow for U.A.W. because Volkswagen did not even oppose the unionization drive. The union’s defeat — in what was one of the most closely watched unionization votes in decades — is expected to slow, perhaps stymie, the union’s long-term plans to organize other auto plants in the South.
A retired local judge, Samuel H. Payne, announced the vote results inside VW’s sprawling plant after officials from the National Labor Relations Board had counted the ballots. In the hours before the votes were tallied, after three days of voting at the assembly plant, both sides were predicting victory.

From WallStreetJournal:
....The United Auto Workers union    suffered a crushing defeat Friday, falling short in an election in which it seemed to have a clear path to organizing workers at Volkswagen's plant in Chattanooga, Tenn.
The setback is a bitter defeat because the union had the cooperation of Volkswagen management and the aid of Germany's powerful IG Metall union, yet it failed to win a majority among the plants 1,550 hourly workers......

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