Tuesday, February 4, 2014

America shifting to a Majority-Minority nation

America might be becoming more like Europe given the low birth rates, as the Life News article claims, but the other kind of demographics as the research from Brookings Institute shows, is the kind that will ultimately be the total collapse of America as we know it today.  Surprisingly, Whites like William Frey from Brookings, are of the opinion that America should be catering not only to the growing minority viz the different languages, but also adapt to the new situation by which I bet they mean all other baggage. Instead of finding ways and means to change the mindset of the young White population to desist from killing off their unborn, research institutions of "repute" like Brookings seem to want to turn their country into a third world nation.  

From Brookings you get  "acceptance to the eventual suicide" but from Life News you get the WHY of it all and an inkling on how it can be changed.  Goes to prove that big bucks spent on research at Brookings is money down the drain and commonsense as shown by Life News is the mainstay of strong-willed individuals.

William Frey writing at Brookings:
Shift to a Majority-Minority Population  in the U.S. Happening Faster than Expected.  

New 2010 Census analysis shows an unprecedented shift in the nation’s racial makeup in 14 states, one that is reshaping U.S. schools, work places and the electorate. Due to immigration, a combination of more deaths and fewer births among whites and an explosion of minority births, the U.S. is poised to be a majority-minority country sooner than predicted. Senior Fellow William Frey says we’re at the beginning of an inevitable transition that affords us new opportunities. Texas, New Mexico and California are already majority-minority states reflecting a racial shift related to more deaths among whites than births. This natural decrease is happening earlier than expected.....

Arland Nichols writing at LifeNews:
..We have witnessed this  in the disastrous economic situation throughout Europe, which is due in part to extremely low birth rates. Europe’s fate appears increasingly likely for the United States. We are not having enough babies to replace our current population levels. More specifically, married couples are having too few children, and increasingly, babies are being born outside of the stable environment of a home with a mother and father........

........A staggering 40.7% of all births to women in the United States were to unmarried women. While this is a slight decline (1%) in the percentage of births by unmarried women, the number remains historically high. For the sake of comparison, 33% of children in 2000 and 18.4% of children in 1980 were born out of wedlock........

While these are unsettling numbers as a whole, they are even more startling when broken down by race: 17.2% of all births by Asians/Pacific Islanders and 29.1% of all births by non-Hispanic whites are outside of marriage. Additionally, 53.3% of all births by Hispanics are outside of marriage, and 72.3% of Non-Hispanic Black children born in the United States last year were born to unmarried women.

These numbers point to a number of distressing trends in American society.

First, cohabiting non-married couples are on the rise and are bringing children into unstable relationships. Of the non-marital births noted above, 58% were from cohabiting couples from 2006-2010. Societal embrace of cohabitation has led to children being raised in unstable home settings in which there is a greater incidence of substance abuse, depression, delinquency, and poverty, among other social ills.....

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