Saturday, February 15, 2014

Allen West: "Jihadi-infiltrators on the rise"

It was a sad day when the Dem mafia in Florida went all out to defeat Allen West.  Bet he will make a comeback some day soon.

Allen West writing at his blog:
....Pentagon caves to Muslim groups as suspected jihadi-infiltrators on the rise
As our troops in the combat zone contend with the release of Taliban killers and restrictive rules of engagement, they must contend with an Obama administration cowering to Islamic political correctness at home.

As you may be aware, the Pentagon caved to pressure from Muslim groups and relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans and hijabs. It’s another giant loss for military unit cohesion.

Author Raymond Ibrahim, an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum, writes, “Where loyalty to the U.S. is most needed, the Pentagon embraces those who show that their loyalty is elsewhere (among other things, the beard and hijab are meant to separate “pure believers” from “impure infidels”).”

But why now? As Ibrahim points out,
“This new relaxation of rules for Muslims comes at a time when the FBI is tracking more than 100 suspected jihadi-infiltrators of the U.S. military. Just last month, Craig Benedict Baxam, a former Army soldier and convert to Islam, was sentenced to seven years in prison due to his al-Qaeda/jihadi activities. Also last month, Mozaffar Khazaee, an Iranian-American working for the Defense Department, was arrested for sending secret documents to America’s enemy, Iran.”
Some will say this regulation change is designed to accommodate the Sikh community but based on my research, they were less than 10 Sikhs serving in the US military.

Yet again, the influence of groups such as CAIR, ISNA, and MPAC — groups with ties to Muslim Brotherhood affiliations –wins out, while the Obama administration fails to stand up for American military culture.....

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