Sunday, January 26, 2014

Year 2014 ... a good year for educating people to stop killing babies and to value Life

The year 2014 has started off pretty well for Pro-lifers.  Huge rallies took place in the USA in several cities and also in France. A big rally is expected in Ireland, mid this year ... as I am sure Canada too will have something happening  this year when the freeze goes away.  Spain and other EU countries are also planning rallies for the unborn.  

Moreover,  the research carried out by China and India on how the effects of abortion are linked to breast cancer will make many women, if they are imparted knowledge of the studies, think twice about aborting. I think we are nearing a time where the Pro-Life movement is at long last taking wing. 

Lest I give the wrong impression here,  let me make it clear that although I consider abortion to be  murder, sanctioned murder ... but murder none the less,  I will stand by the side of  any woman who opts to abort her baby.  In that regard, you could look at me as Pro-Choice. However, I am also one of those people who believe that before a woman aborts, she needs to be given all facts of the consequences and above all the taxpayer should not be funding her medical expenses. Her choice to abort, her money.  Beg, borrow or steal ... but not from the taxpayers' purse.

Grace Vuoto writing at WorldTribune:
.... This year the annual March for Life in the nation’s capital, the largest anti-abortion rally in the world with about 600,000 attendees, marks a milestone: public opinion in America is changing as the pro-life movement gains more adherents.
Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in America in 1973, approximately 55 million abortions have been performed. These figures are staggering.
“Think about it – in 2008, more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean, Vietnam and Gulf War combined,” said Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler in an impassioned speech on the National Mall during the rally held on Jan. 22. “This must stop!”

Who needs enemies? In 2008, 825, 564 babies were aborted, according to the Centers for Disease Control; this easily trumps the 621, 515 total casualties of the seven wars listed above. With these statistics, it is clear the depletion of human capital enacted through abortion is an even greater long-term national security threat than any other mortal enemy we face. No foreign or domestic foe has ever been as deadly to our population as what we are dong systematically to ourselves.
However, at last, a growing number of states are placing limits on abortion. Conservatives made headway in state legislatures across America in the 2010 mid-term elections and were subsequently able to use their power to enact pro-life legislation. Between 2011 and 2013, more state-level restrictions were placed on abortion than in the previous decade, according to a Jan. 22 report on the March for Life rally in The Washington Post.......

......In addition to humanizing the baby tin the womb, pro-life advocates are making progress in teaching women that having an abortion may result in life-long physical, emotional or psychological consequences—or all of these at once. In other words, it is not even in a woman’s self-interest to kill the baby in the womb; it does not solve “the problem” during a crisis pregnancy. Instead, after an abortion, there is usually tremendous guilt and remorse that plagues the perpetrator of the violent act for decades to come. Many females who cavalierly commit the deed are later shocked at how traumatic the event is—and how lasting are its implications.......

.....Abortion is increasingly being recognized as the most anti-feminist weapon ever invented. Around the world, especially in China, India, Taiwan, Singapore, the western Balkans and the Caucasus, more girls are aborted than boys precisely because the parents prefer to parent boys and they devalue females. This even affects the Asian-American community. It is estimated by experts on the topic such as Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection (2011), that approximately 163 million baby girls have been victims of gendercide in the past three decades. Hence, abortion permits the systemic destruction of the female population. Abortion is therefore more misogynistic than any other previous kind of female oppression.........

From CatholicNewsAgency:
....Organizers of a recent report monitoring pro-life laws in states throughout the country said that the data shows a trend towards the legal protection of women and their unborn children.

Real pro-life momentum is reshaping the country as legislators craft protections for both mother and child, the victims of an avaricious abortion industry,” Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of Americans United For Life, said Jan. 14.
“Common-sense pro-life legislation saves lives and has broad public support in light of what we’re learning about the health risks of abortion for women.”
Americans United for Life, which works to develop and promote model pro-life legislation for states, recently released its 2014 “Life List,” which ranks various states by the degree to which their laws protect women and unborn children from abortion.....

If you want to tell your story, this is the place to go to: The Abortion Survivors 

Jeanne Smits writing at LifeSiteNews: ...40,000 join March  for Life in Paris.  Thousands of pro-life citizens marched through the streets of Paris on Sunday for the nation's 9th annual March for Life. While police estimated the turn out at 16,000, organizers put it at 40,000.
After nearly two years of socialist government under President François Hollande, France appears to have woken up more fully to the deepening reality of the culture of death - but also to hope-giving changes that are taking place in Europe and in the United States.....

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