Tuesday, January 7, 2014

UK has accepted 1500 Syrian refugees ...

since January last year and from beginning of conflict the figure is 2000.  Those are the official figures. Wonder how many have found refuge in Canada, USA and Australia .... on the books and outside the "official figures" which are never really accurate.  Knowing where the sympathies of the West lie when it comes to Syria,  take it for granted that the refugees taken in will be the ones the West favors ...namely the rebel-friendly ones or families of the rebel leaders. 
If you think the conflict and enmity from the Middle East won't come to our shores soon, think again.

From Yahoo:
....Britain has granted asylum to around 1,500 Syrians fleeing the brutal conflict in the last year, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg revealed Tuesday, as rights groups and even anti-immigration politicians urged action over the refugee crisis.
The British government has defended its policy of focusing on giving aid to help more than 2.35 million refugees caught up in the civil war, rather than offering a comprehensive resettlement programme.
But Clegg appeared to surprise opposition politicians when he told parliament that Britain had in fact given asylum to some 1,500 Syrian refugees since January 2013.
"We have accepted about 1,500 asylum seekers," he said.
"Of course we should do that. We have accepted hundreds of asylum seekers who have sought and been provided with refuge in this country under our international obligations."
Official figures from the Home Office, or interior ministry, showed Britain has in fact granted asylum to more than 2,000 Syrians since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March 2011 -- 1,500 of them since last January...........

....The British government has given some £500 million ($820 million, 602 million euros) of aid to help Syrian civilians caught up in the civil war, including £236 million for neighbouring countries hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees.....

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