Sunday, January 26, 2014

Try finding updates on the Taima excavations in Saudi Arabia or any other ....

on the internet and  be prepared to be as frustrated as moi.

I don't want to mislead you, so I won't give any links.  Suffice to say that the Saudi  PR machines are keeping everything under wraps and the powers-that-be in Israel are also doing same.  IMO, several thousand miles extending from the present day Israeli borders ...  belong to the State of Israel  ... because almost every excavation finds clear evidence of Jewish roots.  My biggest peeve with the Israelis is that they are not making a claim for what is rightfully theirs. Why are they doomed to play the defensive role of their own making?   Grrrrrrrrrrrr!


  1. On the claims subject the Israelis are rational. Now would you want the Indians to succeed in all their land claims?
    Only nutcase die hard Muslims make claims if they actually lived somewhere a 1000 years ago but since
    lost power there. ie; southern Spain.

    1. Yes, I see your point, but I still feel that instead of giving away land, which the world wants Israel to do, the nation should instead wage an offensive for taking back at least a part of what belonged to the Jews of old.
      If nothing else, it would shut up some folks.
      Offensive tactics are the best "defensive" ones.
      I play by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals ... what's good for the Left should be good for the Right too.


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