Thursday, January 30, 2014

The stuff Catholics say and do

There's a bishop in Spain 
declaring mutants can be un-mutant
with a dose taken once a day 
just like you would for  flu.

There's a nun nursing a baby 
But she didn't try the old trick
of "I'm a virgin"
She's from El Salvador, not the Middle East.

From NationalPost:
.....When doctors conducted    an ultrasound and told her she was in an advanced stage of pregnancy she screamed: “I can’t give birth, I am a nun.”

Father Benedetto Falcetti, head of the regional branch of the Catholic charity Caritas, said Sister Roxana appeared to have become pregnant when she returned home to renew her passport.

“It was the rekindling of a childhood flame,” he said.

Local bishop Delio Lucarelli said Sister Roxana would have to leave the Little Disciples of Jesus convent where she has lived at Campomoro, near Rieti. The head of the convent, Sister Erminia Pusceddu, said: “She did not know how to resist temptation.”..........

From TelegraphUK:
....Spain’s newly appointed    cardinal to Rome has insisted homosexuality can be cured with treatment and likened it to other “bodily deficiencies” such as high blood pressure.
The comments by Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, who was named one of 19 new cardinals by Pope Francis last week, provoked an immediate backlash in Spain.
The 84-year-old Archbishop Emeritus of Pamplona said: “Homosexuality is a deficient way of manifesting sexuality because (sexuality) has a structure and a purpose, which is procreation.” “Homosexuality, which can’t achieve this purpose, is a failing,” he said in an interview with Malaga-based newspaper Diario Sur, published Sunday.
He went on to compare it to his own deficiency of high blood pressure. “Our bodies have many deficiencies. I have high blood pressure — a deficiency I have to correct as I can.” With this in mind he continued:“Saying homosexuals suffer a deficiency is not an insult. It’s a help because in many cases of homosexuality it is possible to recover and become normal with the right treatment.” His comments brought swift criticism from some quarters........

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