Monday, January 27, 2014

The downward spiral of suicidal nations speeding up

USA, UK, Canada, Australia  .... all in line to embrace the Caliphate.

From GulfNews:
...Pentagon loosens religious displays regulations. New regulations praised by leaders of national Muslim American groups, but Sikhs have reservations.
Washington: The Defence Department released regulations on Wednesday ensuring the rights of religious-minority service members to display their beliefs outwardly — such as wearing a turban, scarf or beard — as long as the practices do not interfere with military discipline, order or readiness.
According to the Pentagon, requests for such religious accommodation will still be decided on an individual basis but will generally be denied only if the item impairs the safe use of military equipment; poses a health or safety hazard; interferes with wearing a uniform, a helmet or other military gear; or “impairs the accomplishment of the military mission”.
The “expression of sincerely held beliefs” may not be used as the basis for “adverse personnel action” or discrimination, the new regulations state. They spell out “hair,” “grooming practices,” and “religious body art” such as tattoos or body piercings as eligible areas for religious accommodation.
Although the new regulations were praised by leaders of national Muslim American groups as expanding the rights of Muslims and other non-Christians in the US military, some Sikh American organisations criticised them for not going far enough. Requests for religious accommodation will still be decided on a case-by-case basis........

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