Thursday, January 16, 2014

So far, Egypt has worked wonders

Now, I am waiting to see how Egyptians will give Hamas what should have been given to them long ago. That will be some show and worth watching.  

Richard Spencer writing at TelegraphUKL
.....More than 96 per cent of voters were in favour of the new document, according to provisional counts from most of Egypt’s 27 provinces, after a short campaign in which many of those trying to oppose the constitution were harassed and arrested.
The turn-out was also likely to be up from the referendum on the Brotherhood-backed constitution in December 2012, according to the figures, which regime opponents are likely to challenge.
Even on their face, the provisional figures further reflected the polarisation of Egypt’s society. Tens of thousands of people have been arrested in competing and often violent demonstrations for and against the military and the Brotherhood since the overthrow of ex-President Hosni Mubarak three years ago.
They showed a rise in turn-out and high support for the constitution in urban areas in the north, but a sharp dip in provinces in Upper Egypt and the west where political Islam is historically strong and the Brotherhood, which boycotted the referendum, has widespread backing.
The new constitution removes some of the Islamist language of that ushered in by the Brotherhood’s President Mohammed Morsi in 2012, and lays a greater stress on equal rights, including for women. It bans political parties based on religion............

....Gen Sisi is now widely expected to run for the presidency, though some analysts and even supporters say he would be better advised to remain the power behind the throne.....

.....He also faces a backlash among hardline Islamists to his crackdown on the Brotherhood and the army’s heavy-handed attempts to use brute force to stamp out an insurgency in the northern Sinai. Terrorist attacks have now spread to the mainland, with 14 police killed in a bomb attack on a police station in the Nile Delta town of Mansoura on December 24.
Pro-Morsi campaigners have pledged to keep up protests, though numbers have started to dwindle in the face of the sheer numbers of those arrested - hundreds every week, even according to the interior minister, Mohammed Ibrahim.
“Every Friday, no less than 500 to 600 get arrested,” he said at a recent press conference. “At the beginning, we used to wait for the demonstration to turn violent, but now we confront them once they congregate. When we confront them, there are some that run. But whoever we can grab, we detain.”..........

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