Saturday, January 25, 2014

Russian Muslims calling for uprising to overthrow the Kremlin

If it comes to the crunch, I bet the Western countries will support the Muslims because they want Russia's influence to be diminished.  "Always support the savages" that the motto of our overlords.  Right and Wrong is not something that occupies a Western politicians's mind,  not even for a moment.  It's always about who can be on top and who should not be allowed to.

From Reuters:
....Militants tell Russians to rebel against Kremlin or face attacks.  A militant group that claimed responsibility for last month's suicide bombings in Volgograd which killed at least 34 people told Russians on Saturday to rebel against President Vladimir Putin or face further attacks.

The warning, which came two weeks before the Winter Olympics in Russia's southern city of Sochi, does not mention the Games.

But the group - which identified itself as Vilayat Dagestan from the northern Caucasus region where Moscow has battled an insurgency for over a decade - last week warned Putin to expect a "present" at the event.

Putin has staked much personal and political prestige on the Games in Sochi, on the western edge of the Caucasus mountains. The event is expected to cost Russia more than $50 billion and is intended to show how far the country has come since the collapse of the communist Soviet Union in 1991.

In a statement posted on its website on Saturday, Vilayat Dagestan said the two Volgograd bombings, of a train station and a trolley bus, were a response to "atrocities carried out by the disbelievers on the ground of the Caucasus".

"Gone are the days when it was possible to destroy Muslims gratuitously," it said. "Today, one mujahid could destroy dozens or even hundreds of people in your cities. And do not think that these are isolated cases and that you will not feel the losses. The number of such bombings will only grow, and they will overtake many of you.".......

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