Friday, January 31, 2014

Rockets hit Baghdad airport

Déjà vu.  But this time around, Iraqis destroying their own instead of the Americans.

Guess who's been supplying the terrorists in Iraq and Syria with all the state-of-the-art weaponry they are showing off now? They have missiles, rockets, tanks ... you name it, they have it and more.  Saudi Arabia is the supplier, that we know .... but who are the culprits supplying Saudi Arabia knowing what the scum there will do with the goods?  

From Reuters:
...Three rockets were fired at Baghdad's heavily guarded international airport on Friday, hitting a runway and plane but causing no casualties, a security source said.

Air traffic was not disrupted, but the ability of militants to strike such a site is likely to heighten concerns about the vulnerability of Iraq's vital infrastructure as security deteriorates across the country.

One of the rockets landed outside the airport perimeter, but a second struck the runway and the third hit a plane, the source said. No group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sunni Islamist militants including an al Qaeda affiliated group have been regaining momentum in Iraq over the past year, driving violence to its highest level in five years, with more than 9,000 people killed in 2013...

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