Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mother blames government for jihadi son's death

Check my last post with the RT video.  In that vid a Belgian father blames his govt. for not having stopped his son from going to Syria.  Here in Canada, there's a mother blaming the Canadian govt. for the death of her jihadi son in Syria.

First and above all, the jihadis going to Syria are, IMO, the products of bad upbringing and the parents are to be blamed for that ... not the government.  The Canadian jihadi was a convert.  What was his mother doing letting him become a muslim?  If she was  not able to stop that from happening how does the woman expect the govt. to keep an eye on him even though, according to her, he had terrorist ties?   Stupid parents have stupid children. Period !!

Stewart Bell writing at NationalPost:
....Mother of Calgary man killed in Syria says Canadian government ‘guilty’ in his death for issuing passport.  
The mother of a Canadian jihadist killed in Syria wants to know why the government issued a passport to her troubled son even though he was under investigation over his ties to extremists.

Two months before leaving for Syria, Damian Clairmont was able to renew his passport despite being under surveillance by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the family said Monday.

The 22-year-old was reported dead last Tuesday. A friend said he was killed by a rival anti-Assad rebel faction. His family wants to know why the Canadian government didn’t try to stop the youth.

“In my eyes, the government is just as guilty as if they had pulled the trigger themselves,” the mother told the National Post in her first public comments since the death was announced. She did not want her name published in order to protect her other children.
The Calgary woman is angry that — even as it was investigating Mr. Clairmont, a Muslim convert who had a history of mental illness and had attempted suicide — Ottawa gave him a new passport and failed to notify his family that he was involved with extremists.........

1 comment:

  1. I just want to cry me a river over that sad story.
    Seems like taking personal responsibility for the consequences of one's actions
    has no place anymore. It's always someone else's fault.


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