Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Melting Arctic is a reality ...

we are in a mini ice age in some parts of the world and a mini warming age in others.  Whatever is happening with our Earth and our world is not man-made as some of the nutty lefties are forever screaming about.  Why can't we just say, yes something is happening to our Earth's weather but it's not man-made and we have no power over the elements and Mother Nature?

From CSMonitor:
....Polar bears have shifted to a diet of more land-based food in response to climate change and melting sea ice in the Arctic, new research finds..
The results suggest that polar bears, at least in the western Hudson Bay area, may be slightly more flexible in the face of climate change than previously thought.

"We found they were eating more of what is available on the land," including snow geese, eggs and caribou, said study co-author Linda Gormezano, a vertebrate biologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Still, it's not clear that this foraging strategy can offset the negative impacts of climate change, with one scientist saying it is unlikely to make a difference for polar bear numbers.

Polar bears rely heavily on seals and other marine mammals for food. The white bears wait at gaps in the sea ice for their blubbery prey to surface, then pounce, according to the nonprofit conservation organization Polar Bears International.

When the sea ice melts, polar bears come ashore and eat a variety of foods, including mushrooms and berries, in addition to snow geese and other animals. [See Images of Polar Bears Feasting on Prey]

But global warming has reduced Arctic sea ice extent, especially in the late spring when polar bears fatten up on seal pups before moving to land. As a result, the U.S. Endangered Species Act has listed the majestic beasts as a threatened species, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists them as vulnerable.......


  1. Time for whine: Why can't the cold stay up in the Arctic making more ice instead of freezing us in the south. The next thing those polar bears will be romping in my NB back yard. You can't see the f*ckers sneaking up on you in winter.

    1. The weather is doing strange things all over the world. Places that had never seen snow are getting to see it in plenty and the Arctic is not only getting less of it, what they have is melting away. I read somewhere that plant remnants that were frozen thousands of years ago and never seen after that ... are now in the hands of scientists and some have analyzed some of the bits dating back to even 40,000 yrs ... that's how much the ice has receded in some places of the Arctic. Amazing.


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