Friday, January 3, 2014

I love it when idiots trying to please their enemies get their comeuppance

Why use "allah" instead of "God" or "Jesus" when the reading is from the Bible?  Doesn't it show that the Christian idiots in Malaysia were sucking up to their Muslim masters? Don't feel sorry for them.  They are being taught a lesson that needs to be taught to the brain-dead among us. I hope the Malay Muslims  not only confiscate the Bibles, they burn the entire lot within where is found the hateful word "allah."

Carry on muzzies, well done.  I am wholly with you on this.

From CatholicCulture:
Malaysia’s largest political party,  the United Malays National Organization, has planned Sunday protests outside churches in Selangor, one of the nation’s 13 states, according to Malaysian media reports.
Selangor is governed by a sultan who has decreed that non-Muslims may not use the term “Allah” to address God. Christians in Malaysia have been using the term since the seventeenth century, and Father Lawrence Andrew, the editor of the nation’s Catholic newspaper, said that Catholic parishes in Selangor would continue to use the term – prompting the planned protests.
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin stated that the protestors would not be acting illegally.
Protestors are “not doing anything against the law because even though we hold true to the Federal Constitution, when it comes to religious matters the power of the state resides in the Sultan,” he said.
Protestors have already burned Father Andrew in effigy, and police are providing him with protection.
The nation of 29.6 million is 60% Muslim, 19% Buddhist, 6% Hindu, 6% Protestant, and 3% Catholic; Islam is Malaysia’s official religion....

From VoiceOfThePersecuted blog:
Islamic authorities in Malaysia    seized 321 Bibles from a Christian group because they used the word Allah to refer to God, signalling growing intolerance that may inflame ethnic and religious tension in the Southeast Asian country.
The raid, which took place Thursday in capital Kuala Lumpur, comes after a Malaysian court in October ruled that the Arabic word was exclusive to Muslims, most of whom are ethnic Malays, the largest ethnic group in the country alongside sizable Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities.
That ruling then overturned a court decision that allowed a Roman Catholic newspaper printed in Malay, the country’s national language, to use Allah.
The change has heightened concern that religious authorities, which issue rulings for Muslims and operate alongside civil courts, now have more legal muscle.....

And, into the above controversy, wades in our very own Canadian Office of Religious Freedom.  As if the muzzies give a fuck about what Canada thinks of them or their actions!! 

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