Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How wonderful! Let's import more Muslims to Canada ...

so they can sue the government en masse,  Canada can go into bankruptcy, Saudi Arabia can waltz in at leisure ... as the groundwork for the Caliphate is already nicely laid out ... and we the citizens can start wallowing in the joys of Shariah.

As you read the below, keep the thought firmly at the back of your mind that the Harper government's record for importing Muslims to Canada is the "best" from all previous governments.  By "best"  I mean the numbers imported far surpasses the number under any other administration.  Jason Kenney was the kapo in charge of immigration until a few months ago.

Andrea Janus writing at CTVNews:
....Muslim group serves PMO with libel notice.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims is serving the Prime Minister’s Office with a libel notice, claiming that Stephen Harper’s communications director defamed the group in an interview earlier this month.
The NCCM is demanding “an unequivocal apology and retraction of the defamatory words” that Jason MacDonald, Harper’s communications director, used in an interview with Sun News Network on Jan. 16.
The notice quotes the offending statement as: “We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to terrorist organization such as Hamas.”

The notice says MacDonald made the statement when asked about the NCCM’s objection to the inclusion of a particular rabbi on Harper’s official delegation to the Middle East.
The council had criticized the inclusion of Rabbi Daniel Korobkin because he introduced American activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who founded the group Stop Islamization of America, at a Toronto event last fall.
In its libel notice, the NCCM says MacDonald’s words “were meant or were understood to mean that NCCM is, gives material support to, and/or is affiliated with a criminal terrorist organization. These words are defamatory per se.”
The document notes that the federal government has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.
“The defamatory words were stated maliciously in order to discredit and insult an organization that did nothing other than exercise its constitutional right to freedom of expression to criticize a decision made by the Prime Minister,” the notice states.
The notice is a first step toward what could become a formal libel lawsuit, in which the council “will seek damages, interest and costs against you,” referring to Harper and MacDonald...........

1 comment:

  1. According to YouTube video: WORLD POPULATIONS AND MUSLIM DEMOGRAPHICS every country in Europe cannot avoid being Islamified within the next few decades. Despite this situation being known by politicians in Canada and the US, they continue to import Muslims. In the US the president is a Muslim who has declared that the US is no longer a Christian nation, and he actuallow bows to Islamic leaders, plus he continually makes quotes from the Quran. In Canada all political leaders continually pander to Islam with hopes they will vote for their political parties. See YouTube video: JUSTIN TRUDEAU PANDERS TO RADICAL ISLAM. This Liberal Party leader actually reports to a mosque with his family every week, just to kiss Muslim ass. Islam is a greater thret than Hitler ever was, and all Muslim immigration must be stopped immediately, even though
    many Muslims are very good people.


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