Friday, January 24, 2014

China responds to Japan

Japan and China at loggerheads.  

From StraitsTimes:
 Chinese FM hits back at Abe over WWI analogy.  China has hit back at Japan's Prime Minister over a claim that current tensions in East Asia are akin to those between Britain and Germany on the eve of World War I.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Friday, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said he believed the analogy employed by Japanese premier Shinzo Abe was misplaced.

In the latest salvo in a simmering diplomatic spat, Mr Wang also reiterated China's anger over Mr Abe's recent visit to a shrine which honours the memory of 14 convicted war criminals along with millions of other Japanese war dead. "It strikes me that his statement is a bit anachronistic because the current era is a world apart from the situation of 100 years ago," Mr Wang told the annual gathering of business and political leaders. "The forces for peace in the world, and they include China, are growing."............

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