Sunday, January 19, 2014

Breast cancer linked to abortion ....

but the institutions profiting from supplying goods and services  needed in the baby killing mills known as "abortion clinics" will keep it quiet for as long as possible. They have been keeping it quiet for decades now .... so, what's another decade or two of more dead babies?

China came out with their research on how abortions are linked to breast cancer  just a few weeks ago and now India follows up with their own research doubling down on statements made in the Chinese study.  

How long will the West keep a blanket on this explosive stuff? Yes, if this is not the real war on Western women ... like Dr.Brind says, tell me what is.
The vid below was posted in 2008.

Dr.Joel Brind writing at NationalRightToLife:
....Hot on the heels of the new systematic review and meta-analysis of the abortion-breast cancer (ABC link) in China published by Dr. Yubei Huang last November and reviewed in NRL News Today in December, comes yet another blockbuster study from the Asian subcontinent.

On Christmas Eve, a study by A.S. Bhadoria et al. of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences—“Reproductive factors and breast cancer: A case-control study in tertiary care hospital of North India”–appeared online in the “Indian Journal of Cancer.” These new Asian studies are changing the game in ABC link research

The Bhadoria study of 320 breast cancer patients and 320 age and socio-economic status-matched healthy control women reported a 403% increased risk of getting breast cancer among Indian women who have had any abortions. Not only is this increase much larger than what had been reported in the Huang meta-analysis (44%) and by my colleagues and I in our worldwide meta-analysis of 1996 (30%), but it closely matches the 538% among Indian women reported earlier in 2013 by Dr. Ramchandra Kamath et al.....

........Taken collectively, the studies from Asia should completely abolish any lingering credibility of the US National Cancer Institute’s politically correct” dictum that there is no ABC link......

.......Due to social stigma that is attached to having an induced abortion, healthy women are more likely to deny prior abortions in their medical history study questionnaire than are women who’ve developed breast cancer. Hence, the argument goes, it would erroneously appear that abortion is more frequent among women who’ve had an abortion....

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