Friday, January 31, 2014

Blah blah blahing continues in Geneva while 1800+ go to meet the unknown in Syria

If you have even an inkling to the workings of the Muslim mentality and the dhimmihood of other non-Muslim negotiators at the table in Geneva,  you can expect that these "peace" talks will take several more weeks to end  ... in achieving nothing.   What more does the world need to see after the decades of "Israeli-Palestinian peace talks" ... take it for granted  the ongoing one in Geneva will be similar to those.  If you are smart, you will ignore everything and anything happening or said or implied or promised in Geneva.
Bottom line:  Muslims can NEVER be trusted to keep their word ... NEVER.

From NYTimes:
 ...At least 1,870 people died ...At least 1,870 people died across Syria during the first nine days of the "Geneva 2" peace negotiations that began in Switzerland on January 22, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday.

The Britain-based monitoring group said more than 470 of the deads were civilians, including 40 people who died from inadequate access to food and medicine in areas besieged by government forces.

The first round of talks in Geneva ended on Friday without making progress towards ending the civil war and also failed to achieve more modest aims, like an agreement to allow aid convoys into the central city Homs where thousands of civilians have been trapped for months.

Aid convoys this week delivered more than 1,000 parcels of humanitarian aid to residents in the besieged Damascus suburb of Yarmouk, which houses 18,000 Palestinians as well as some Syrians.

But the residents' needs still far outstrip the available humanitarian aid. The Observatory said most of the people who died from inadequate food and medicine in the last nine days had been living in Yarmouk...........

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