Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wonder how and from where the South Sudanese "rebels" got their hands on heavy weaponry ?

So much we are not been told,  as usual.  The "rebels" are armed with weaponry that not only made American aircraft turn tail but also damaged the aircraft and wounded several American servicemen.  Wasn't it a few months ago that we learnt that the Syrian "rebels" were getting their weaponry via Sudan? I wonder if there's a link between the weaponry in South Sudan and the weaponry that gets into the hands of the "rebels" in Syria.  If there is, then we already know where the funds for these weapons have come from.... if not actually the sellers? The sellers are in plenty .... including the United States, Russia, China, UK, France, Ukraine and others.

Michael R.Gordon writing at NYTinmes
.... United States aircraft flying    into a heavily contested region of South Sudan to evacuate American citizens were attacked on Saturday and forced to turn back without completing the mission, American officials said. Four service members were wounded, one seriously.

South Sudan officials said the attack had been carried out by rebel forces.

President Obama had sent 45 American servicemen to South Sudan to “support the security of U.S. personnel and our embassy,” he said on Thursday. Previous evacuation flights had been organized in Juba, the capital, but the aborted mission on Saturday appeared to be the first into rebel-held territory.....

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