Saturday, December 7, 2013

Warning from Health Canada: Some hair removal products could cause blindness

Unlicenced products sold widely on eBay and Amazon are dangerous, warns Health Canada.  Scary.

From TheSpectator:
....Health Canada is warning consumers that some unlicenced hair removal devices sold on the Internet may pose a serious health risk, including significant eye damage and blindness.
The devices are being sold on a variety of websites, including eBay and Amazon.
The department says the devices can cause serious harm because of the intensity of the radiation they emit; they also lack sufficient safety features.
Health Canada says even momentary exposure to a direct or reflected beam could cause permanent eye damage and serious burns.
The devices in question are the SI-808 made by Carful Company Ltd. and the Epsil BSL-10 made by BNB Medical Co. Ltd.
Devices that are licenced for sale here can be found on Health Canada's searchable medical devices active licence listing database.
The products have been found for sale on a variety of websites, including eBay, Amazon,, Carful Company Ltd., Ali Express, Honey Bay and Hareway. But they may be available elsewhere on the Internet, Health Canada says..........

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