Monday, December 16, 2013

Trouble in South Sudan

Travel warning issued  by Canada for the city of Juba, South Sudan.

Greta Van Susteren of FoxNews has this to tell about a dinner she attended in 2012 .... which tells me that if at all the USA ever decides to take sides in South Sudan,  that side will be giving support to the present government's opponents: 
(By the way, President Kiir    at the dinner was very critical of President Obama. He said that he really wanted to see him succeed as US President but that he was disappointed that President Obama only called him one time when he, Kiir, had shut down oil wells thus driving up the price of oil worldwide. He had shut them down in a fight with President Bashir of Sudan. He was accusing President Obama of caring only about the price of oil in an election year and not helping the people of South Sudan. Of course this is only Kiir’s side of the story and of course I am not suggesting that USA should get involved with Kiir – I am only reporting what he said to me.)

which relates to the news item below:
....South Sudan president sets curfew after attempted coup thwarted'  
South Sudan's president on Monday ordered a dusk-to-dawn curfew in the capital after soldiers loyal to the former deputy attempted to seize power by force, leading to clashes between military factions that highlight the growing instability of the world's youngest nation.

Flanked by government officials, President Salva Kiir --who put on fatigues with an army general's epaulets inside of his usual gentleman's suit -- said Monday in a televised address to the nation that the military had foiled a coup orchestrated by "a group of soldiers allied with the former vice president." The soldiers had attacked the South Sudanese military headquarters near Juba University late Sunday, sparking sporadic bursts of gunfire that continued Monday, he said.

"The attackers went and (the) armed forces are pursuing them," Kiir said Monday. "I promise you today that justice will prevail.".............

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