Monday, December 9, 2013

This is one of the reasons why many are against adoption of children by gay couples

The politicians who signed their names to the laws that have made it possible for gays to adopt should be the ones also held responsible for what happens to children in the care of gay couples. But then have we known of a politician going to jail for laws they have created which cause hell for the innocent?  This case makes one wonder how many more similar ones are out there... cases that will never come to light.

From DailyTelegraphAustralia:
.....QUEENSLAND paedophile Peter Truong    didn't look like a man about to be sentenced to 30 years' jail when he shuffled into the elegant District Court room in Indianapolis.
Dressed in a black and white striped prison jumpsuit, orange joggers and his wrists and legs shackled, Truong waved and smiled at his parents who had flown in from Australia and were sitting in the second row of the sparsely populated courtroom on Monday. Truong then gave the US prosecutors an equally friendly smile and wave. 

Truong, who bought a newborn boy for $US8000 ($8784) and then allowed men around the world to abuse the child, was sentenced in a US court to 30 years' jail on Monday, after facing a maximum 40-year sentence.
The plea deal he struck with prosecutors could have allowed a minimum of 24 years.
US District Court judge Sarah Evans Barker, in announcing the sentence in Indianapolis, took note of Truong's willingness to work with authorities to lead them to other paedophiles and his own history as a childhood abuse victim.
The court heard how as a child and teenager he was sexually abused and became a member of a “man-boy cult”.

If Truong is to be believed, he is a changed man.

“I want to say thank you to the authorities for saving my son, but also for saving me as well,” Truong told Judge Barker.
Truong, as an infant, fled Vietnam with his parents and settled in Australia. His domestic partner, Mark Newton, 42, also from Queensland, was jailed in June for 40 years.
Prosecutors say Truong and Newton bought the boy from a woman in a "foreign" country, believed to be Russia, and then transported him around the world to engage in sex with more than half a dozen other men, all before his sixth birthday.
The baby then became a jewel in a global paedophile network that Truong and Newton were members of.
They sexually assaulted the baby, recorded the assaults on high definition video cameras, then passed on the videos to other paedophiles. Truong went by the screen name “Plopper” on paedophile internet sites......

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