Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The totally corrupt and the grossly inefficient Liberal govt. of Ontario ...

Scandal upon scandal plague the Ontario Liberals and yet shamelessly they continue on to the next scandal without so much as by your leave.  

Worst of all, the opposition, the PC party is full of dead people. But saying that would be like insulting  zombies who would have done a  much better job at hounding the Liberals out of Ontario.  Sadly, the PC party is simply not up to doing the needful.

The Liberals  hold on to their power in Ontario only because of the Labor Unions whom they have pampered every which way and these organizations prop them up.  The non-Canadian companies are opting to close shop and move out because they can't afford the demands from the Labor Unions and the govt. of Ontario will not help those companies to get the blackmailers off their backs. Ultimately, its the citizens of Ontario who are the losers but being the full-blown masochists that Liberal voters usually are,  they welcome the constant flaying they get and beg for more.

Adrian Morrow writing at Globe&Mail:
Wynne responds to Auditor-General's  tough report on Ontario Power.  

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is pledging to rein in Ontario Power Generation after an audit revealed that the agency was hiring more executives and paying them big bonuses when it was supposed to be downsizing.
The government will table legislation early next year to give it direct control over salaries, benefits and other perks at OPG, she said.
“I’m deeply concerned about what seems to be the culture in that organization,” she told reporters Wednesday at Queen’s Park. “We have a need for the government to have more control over compensation packages and we will be introducing legislation in order to put those controls in place.”

The province has already fired three top OPG executives – the chief financial officer and two vice-presidents – in the wake of the damning audit.

Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk revealed Tuesday that OPG’s executive suite had ballooned in recent years and that the majority of those new bosses received top bonuses. Meanwhile, OPG was shedding jobs in the lower ranks and denying top bonuses to regular employees.

Ms. Lysyk also took aim at the Crown corporation’s generous pension plan – the vast majority of which is funded by taxpayers – and the fact that OPG appeared to be hiring its employees’ family members without any evidence that it had followed correct procedures.......

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