Monday, December 2, 2013

The story behind the Chinese spy

So ... okay, by chance this guy was caught, and by all appearances it seems to have been a quick and lucky catch.   What are the chances that there have been many before him that nobody has been the wiser about and there will be many more after him too?  

Stewart Bell writing at NationalPost:
A speedy undercover investigation   that lasted less than 48 hours led to the arrest this weekend of a Toronto naval engineer accused of trying to pass secrets about Canadian patrol ships to the government of China.

Qing Quentin Huang, 53, was charged Sunday with two counts under the Security of Information Act for allegedly attempting to “communicate to a foreign entity” details of Canada’s National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy.
A Canadian citizen who immigrated from China via Singapore in 2001, Mr. Huang was employed at Lloyd’s Register Canada, which was subcontracted by Irving Shipbuilding to work on the design phase of Canada’s Arctic patrol vessels.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service notified the RCMP on Thursday afternoon that Mr. Huang had allegedly contacted the Chinese embassy in Ottawa to offer up the sensitive documents, several sources said.

Fearing Mr. Huang might begin handing over the materials, the Ontario National Security Enforcement Team, working with the Toronto Police Service, had undercover operators pose as Chinese agents and approach him about acquiring the documents, those familiar with the case said.

He was arrested at just before 1 p.m. Saturday in Burlington, Ont., not far from his suburban home in Waterdown. He was to appear in court in Toronto on Wednesday. If convicted, he faces a possible life sentence..........

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