Monday, December 9, 2013

The Insanity of the Judicial system in Canada... murderers are more important than the victims they killed

Best not to say anything more on the article below because I will wind up losing my cool.  And, as I have not even completed a week into my self-imposed ban of not talking about Muslim crimes, or the dhimmi Catholic pope, or the traitorous Israel, or Stephen Harper's impending political suicide or Christian churches and universities pandering to Muslims or Christian cowardice in the face of Muslim attacks and a whole horde of stuff that makes me see red ... I better STFU right now.  I tell myself that judicial stupidity is just minor "rage making" stuff and does not have the same intensity of  the "Caliphate at the doorstep" stuff.

Sherri Zickefoose  writing at the CalgaryHerald: 
....Canada’s youngest multiple killer denied   curfew change for dance activities.  A request from Canada’s youngest multiple killer to have her curfew lifted so she can travel out of the city for dance activity has been denied.
However the 20-year-old has already had an overnight leave and was allowed to stay out past midnight on another occasion in recent months....

....Court heard the woman wants to pursue dance activities.
“I’m not satisfied there’s any compelling need to change it at this time,” said Brooker.
“If it comes to pass the curfew is causing particular difficulties for the young person concerning re-integration, I’m prepared to revisit it.”
The woman’s defence lawyer said the judge’s decision makes sense, but that the girl is ready for more freedom.
“She’s 20 years of age and at 20 years of age, most people dont have an 11:30 p.m curfew,” said Kathrin Beyak.
“In terms of reintegrating and becoming an adult and a productive member of society,” she is ready, said Beyak.
She was 12 when she helped her 23-year-old boyfriend, Jeremy Allan Steinke, murder her Medicine Hat parents and eight-year-old brother in 2006.
She was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to the maximum 10-year youth sentence. Her identity is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
The woman has 2 1/2 years left in the final phase of her intensive rehabilitative custody and supervision (IRCS) program.
She is living independently with a roommate, holds down a job and is taking university courses in Calgary.....

....The woman was reported to have had no curfew breaches, and her defence lawyer called her the “poster child” for rehabilitation.
The annual sentencing reviews are the only chance the public has to learn about the woman’s progress.
Her record will be wiped clean five years after her sentence ends if she doesn’t break the law...........

1 comment:

  1. Good move to move away from Muslims. Not worth your time.
    Still waiting for the mutant story.


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