Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The fruits of the USA invading Iraq = Christians being annihilated at Christmas mass

The remaining Christians in Syria will suffer the same faith as those in Iraq .... all thanks to  the USA and the Israeli and Saudi warmongering lobbies in Washington.  

From NYTimes:
....At least 26 people were killed and 38 others wounded on Wednesday when a car bomb exploded in a parking lot near St. John’s Roman Catholic Church in a southern neighborhood of Baghdad, according to police and medical officials.
The bomb detonated at the end of Christmas prayers as worshipers were leaving the church in Dora, the officials said.

The victims, most of them Christians, included women and children, as well as a number of police officers posted to guard the church.
A few minutes before the church bombing, and barely half a mile away, a series of three other explosions in a market in an Assyrian Christian neighborhood left 11 people dead and 22 wounded.....

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