Monday, December 16, 2013

Polygamy is the "natural" next step after same sex marriage

Why do I have this feeling that the producers of Sister Wives are getting hidden funding and rolls of money from Muslims and pro-polygamy groups?  I watched a few minutes of the show and have read about it.  My instincts are always proven right ... one day a proper investigation will be done and facts will come out.  In the meantime, a lot of damage has already been done by such shows which are the result of deviants from our society hoping to corrupt people to their way of life.  Misery loves company.

Liberty Council's press release dated today:
 ....Salt Lake City, UT—This summer when the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, Liberty Counsel warned that the decision would lead to polygamy and religious intolerance. Homosexual activists, such as the LGBT news magazine, the Advocate, called Liberty Counsel’s warning “erroneous” and “hyperbolic.” Just six short months later, that warning has become prophetic.

On Friday, a federal judge ruled that key parts of Utah’s polygamy laws are unconstitutional, violating the free exercise of religion. Kody Brown and his four wives, on the TLC reality show Sister Wives, and other Mormons filed suit in July 2001 and then left Utah for Las Vegas.....

......“We have warned of this slippery slope for years,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “If marriage is deconstructed to include people of the same sex, then there is no logical or legal argument to ban polygamy or polyamory. Same-sex marriage is the abolition of marriage and will destroy the most basic foundation of family and civil society,” Staver said.

“Marriage predates government and civil authorities. No legislative body or court has the authority to redefine marriage,” says Mat Staver. “Marriage was not created by religion or government and is ontologically a union of one man and one woman. Deconstructing marriage will hurt children and society,” concludes Staver......

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