Thursday, December 5, 2013

On the nuns abducted from Maaloula, Syria .... all because of the proxy war on Iran fought in Syria by terrorists backed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Middle East sheikhdoms and the Judas countries of the West

The aforementioned blasted countries fear attacking Iran outright, so they fight their proxy war in Syria. How vile, how disgusting!  On the pretext of wanting to get rid of a dictator,  the world powers in conjunction with Israel and the Sunni Muslim countries are wreaking havoc on more than 2 million Syrian civilians who are now refugees outside Syria or have become displaced citizens inside the borders of their own country.  

If there really is a God,  this terrible deed should not go unpunished.

The terrorists, once they take control of a church, BEHEAD the statues.  This is the kind of scum even our own Canadian govt. has been reluctant to criticize knowing they are working on behalf of Canada's favorite ally ... Israel.

From ABCNews:
.....On Thursday, Syria's Greek    Orthodox Patriarch, John Yazigi, pleaded for the release of the nuns, saying that he cancelled a trip to the Gulf and will head to Syria on Friday to follow up on the case.
"We call upon the international community, all governments to work on getting them out safely," Yazigi told reporters in the Balamand Monastery in northern Lebanon. "What we want today is good and tangible acts, not talks."
On Wednesday, Pope Francis called for prayers for the nuns, who were reportedly taken by force from their convent in Syria by rebels. Religious officials in the region have said the women were abducted, but a Syrian opposition activist has said they were merely removed for their own safety.....

From CTVNews:
....The head of a convent accused opposition fighters Tuesday of abducting 12 nuns from a predominantly Christian village near the capital that was overrun by rebels, and Syria's Greek Orthodox patriarch appealed for their quick release.
Mother Superior Febronia Nabhan, head of nearby Saidnaya Convent, said the nuns and three other women were taken the day before from the village of Maaloula to the nearby rebel-held town of Yabroud, which also has a large Christian population.
Meanwhile, Syria's state TV reported that a suicide attacker blew himself up in central Damascus, killing four and wounding 17 others. The TV gave no further details about the blast in the central Jisr Abyad neighbourhood and did not say what the target was.

From RTNews:
Islamist fighters have captured the ancient quarter of Maaloula, a predominantly Christian town and UNESCO heritage site in Syria, and are holding captive several nuns and their mother superior from the St. Thecla Convent, SANA reported.
The state news agency said that attackers "committed acts of  vandalism in the town's neighborhoods and around the convent,  attacking locals and targeting them with sniper fire."
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also said Monday that  fighters from the Al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front had captured the old quarter of Maaloula after several days of fierce fighting. However, they said they could not confirm information regarding  the convent.

From YahooNews:
The rebels abducted 12 Syrian and Lebanese Orthodox nuns from their convent after moving into the town, Vatican Radio reported, citing Mario Zenari, the nuncio (ambassador) of the Holy See in Syria.
Syrian state news agency SANA had earlier said the rebels had entered the Orthodox Mar Takla convent, in the middle of the city, which had previously been controlled by the army.
The convent is home to some 40 nuns and orphans, some of the few residents of the town who remained after rebels first entered in September, prompting fierce fighting with the army.

From Naharnet:
Change and Reform bloc    urged on Tuesday stopping Takfiris from attacking nuns and holding them captive in Syria, warning of “a danger on the lives of Christians” in Lebanon and the East.
"Our lives and our future are in danger and everything the East and Lebanon were built upon is also under threat,” MP Alain Aoun stated after the weekly meeting of the Free Patriotic Movement MPS.
He added: “We all warn against the danger of Takfiris and if their ideology is not capable of tolerating a nun, how can it accept any other political ideology?”

“We hope everyone condemns the kidnapping of the nuns (in Syria) and employs their international connections to free them.”...................

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