Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Navi Pillay as empty-headed as the rest of her colleagues at the Useless Nitwits organization

Perfect example below of how totally useless and how totally unreliable and stupid the world organization known as the United Nations has become.... and getting worse.  Nothing that comes out of the UN can be trusted or believed. Remember how Ban-ki-Moon was jumping around confidently and adamantly claiming that the sarin attack in Syria was the Assad regime's doing?  Turned out it was all hogwash and the Moon character was working in line with the blueprint set up by the world powers who are actually turning the screws on the nitwits within the UN and making them jump around like puppets where and when.

As for the Pillay woman,  has she ever said anything about Saudi Arabia and the lack of human rights there?

From AP via CBCNews:
The United Nations mission  in South Sudan has denied a report of a mass grave that was issued by the office of a UN commissioner for human rights.

The Berlin office of Navi Pillay had said on Tuesday that a grave of 75 bodies was found in Bentiu, Unity State.
Later the office revised that figure to 34 bodies and 75 people feared missing.

The UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) said the erroneous report was an inflation of a "skirmish" in which 15 people were killed.....

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