Thursday, December 26, 2013

Latest on the power outage in Toronto

Woke up a few minutes ago to see lots more snow on the ground and lots more coming down.  Wow!! What a Christmas!
Being without electricity for 48 hours soon after the first flush of the ice storm,  I shiver to think how those still without power must be feeling today after 5 days.  

From CBCNews:
Toronto ice storm: Thousands begin Boxing Day in dark.  
54,700 Toronto customers still without power
Overnight snow slowing power line repairs
Power workers from other jurisdictions here to help
It's day five of darkness for about 54,700 Toronto residents as they spend Boxing Day waiting for electricity to be restored after a major ice storm blanketed the region over the weekend....
....Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said forestry crews from other municipalities are helping clear tree debris throughout the city but the clean-up is expected to take as long as six weeks.
Meanwhile, the mayor encouraged anyone without power to go to the homes of friends and relatives who do. If that's not an option, Ford encouraged residents without power to visit one of a handful of warming centres open around the city.....

Loved this comment at the CBC article above from:
Laughing at you
State of emergency declared?
Only the entitled Toronto would think that declaration was appropriate.
It would have to be far worse before it was a required call.
If people would simply be prepared things would be far better - but for the most part they want the nanny state to look after them.
The people of 100 years ago would sneer at you complainers and rightfully so.
Get off your butts - get outside and start cleaning up the mess instead of sitting inside and whining about how bad it is.
A couple million people could do a lot of work in just one afternoon if they had any intestinal fortitude at all.
Instead they sit in warming centres with all the folks from Africa and the middle east - all waiting for someone to serve them - wait on them hand and foot - and complain about some guy named Rob Ford and some guy named Harper = both of who are obviously to blame for this whole fiasco. And they complain about the quality of the food and the lack of warm clothing.
All they have to do is look in the mirror - that person is the real problem.
Never saw such a bunch of wimps in my life! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.


  1. The south west of my little province of NB was hit with the ice storma few days before Christmas and nearly 20,000 homes in the area are still without power as I write this Boxing Day. I live in the north east, the sweet spot that has thus far avoided extreme conditions. So were you much inconvenienced? Did you go with the flow, chilled out and relaxed or did you get your panties all in a twist? heh

    1. It was not too bad for a homebody like moi. If the power outage had lasted any longer, I would have had to give in and accept invitations to be with well meaning friends who were lucky enough not to have experienced the discomfort.
      It outage gave many of us, including myself, time to reflect on the suffering of the refugees and displaced Syrians who are going through a miserable winter in a war-torn region.


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