Friday, December 13, 2013

If it's not Rob Ford, it's Doug his brother that Toronto's Left target ceaselessly on a daily basis

Why can't Doug Ford  hand out $20 bills to some of the low income folks in his neighbourhood? Why must the Lefty councillors cry foul even at that generous gesture and read "vote buying" into it?  Trust the enemies of the  Ford  family to criticize even the generosity shown by Doug Ford.  Doug Ford gave his own money, not the taxpayers' .... which the Left usually does while holding on tightly to their own and pretending to care for the less fortunate amongst us. 

Leslie Larson writing at NYDailyNews:
....Rob Ford’s brother Doug riles Toronto pols for handing out cash at public housing unit
Council member Doug Ford says he handed out $20 apiece to low-income tenants at a Toronto Community Housing building during a holiday party because he didn’t have time to buy gift cards from coffee chain Tim Hortons. ‘Everyone knows the Fords are not corrupt,’ he said as colleagues blasted the alleged vote-buying.

‘I'm not running. Rob doesn't need to buy votes up there,’ Doug Ford said in defense of his questioned generosity.

Doug Ford, the brother of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, says he did nothing wrong when he handed out hundreds of dollars in cash to low-income residents at a public housing unit.

Ford, who is a Toronto City Council member, says he distributed $20 apiece to tenants at the Toronto Community Housing building during a holiday party Wednesday because he didn’t have time to buy Tim Hortons gift cards for the adults at the festive affair.
Another colleague said the cash gifts were ‘just plain corrupt.’
But his Council colleagues blasted his behavior.

Council member Gord Perks, who called the behavior “just plain corrupt,” accused him of “subverting the proper relationship between elected officials and the public," and member Adam Vaughan described it as “loathsome.”
"This is how rich people buy votes," Council member Joe Mihevc tweeted.........

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