Thursday, December 12, 2013

I am beginning to feel sorry for the Toronto Star ....

their desperation makes my heart bleed and I always bleed for the underdog. That's what the Toronto Star has become ... the underdog of print media in Canada.   None of their ploys have worked so far but will they stop and desist?The Star just does not know when to call it a day and raise the white flag. They are defeated but just won't lay themselves down and die with dignity.  

Now, the utter misery and desperation that the yellow rag is going through is manifested by the move made by one of the newspaper's "journalists"  ....  some Daniel Dale by name, who has filed a suit against the mayor for making "defamatory remarks" about his good wholesome person. Can't say I remember reading or hearing about him ever. Anyway, all expenses the good wholesome Mr.Daniel Dale might incur by way of legal costs, etc.  will be met by his generous employer, the Toronto Star.  Nice eh?!  He also says the below in the article he wrote about the suit:  That last sentence therein puzzles me a bit.  What does that mean?  Is this another "any which way to humiliate" the mayor?  "Join us or else" kind of thing?  Makes one wonder what's the mental age of these "reporters" at the Toronto Star? You can read his childish article in full at the second link below and also take a peek at his sweet wholesome looking face.

...Dozens of people, including people personally harmed by pedophilia, have offered me a total of thousands of dollars in donations for my legal fees. That’s remarkable.
I’m fortunate to work for an employer willing to go bat for its employees, and the Star will be covering my costs, so I’m good for cash. Perhaps all that offered money could be donated to an organization that assists victims of child abuse, and we can create some light out of all this dark nonsense? Maybe someone could ask the mayor if he would join us.

Ann Hui and Elizabeth Church writing at Globe&Mail:
....Toronto Star reporter  to sue Rob Ford after Conrad Black interview.  

Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale has served Mayor Rob Ford with a libel notice over comments the mayor made during a televised interview earlier this week.
Mr. Dale published a statement Thursday   saying he served the notice against both the mayor and Vision TV – which aired the broadcast – as the first step of a defamation lawsuit. He’s asking the mayor to retract the “false insinuation that I am a pedophile,” the statement said.
“It had become clear to me that, if I had done nothing, the mayor would make his smears some sort of political talking point,” Mr. Dale wrote. “His comments to [Conrad] Black were no one-time slip; they seemed to be the first shots in a bewildering campaign against my good name.”

Star editor Michael Cooke told The Globe Thursday that the newspaper’s lawyers are at City Hall, serving the mayor. A process server delivered the legal document to the mayor inside his office about 5:30 p.m. The lawyer for Mr. Dale, Iris Fischer, said Mr. Dale now has six weeks to serve a statement of claim.

Mr. Cooke said the reporter has the full support of the Star – including with legal costs – in suing the mayor.

During the Monday night interview with Conrad Black that aired on Vision TV, Mr. Ford described a May, 2012, incident where he confronted Mr. Dale in a public space behind the mayor’s house.

“He’s taking photos of little kids,” Mr. Ford told Mr. Black in the interview. “I don’t want to say that word, but you start thinking ‘What’s this guy all about?’ ” On Tuesday, when urged by councillors to apologize for the comments, Mayor Ford told reporters he stood by his remarks.

But Mr. Dale called the mayor’s account of events “categorically false.”...............

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