Sunday, December 15, 2013

How you can tell that the protests in Ukraine against the govt. are manufactured and supported by Russia's enemies

1)  John McCain supports the protests;
2)  Conservative Party of Canada supports the protests;

What more proof do you need?

From DailyMailUK:
....John McCain backs opposition leaders telling Ukraine protesters: 'America stands with you - Ukraine will make Europe better'
U.S. Senator John McCain visits anti-government protesters in Kiev
Calls mass protest 'incredible display of patriotism' in tweet............

From IPolitics:
....Foreign Minister John Baird on Monday  defended his decision to meet with Ukrainian protesters last week during a visit to the fractured country.
Speaking in question period, he responded to allegations by NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar that he acted inappropriately by taking sides in the country’s political crisis.
Prompted by reporters Friday to give his opinion of Baird meeting with protesters in Kiev’s Independence Square after meeting with government leaders, Dewar said Baird should explain “what he was up to and why he decided to be involved in the crowds.”
He added that Baird should be trying to “bridge” Ukraine’s “great divide” — the country is split between pro-Russia and nationalist supporters — instead of picking sides.
Baird told MPs he was “shocked” by Dewar’s comments.
“I’ll tell you whose side this government stands on,” Baird began. “We stand on the side of the Ukrainian people in their fight for democracy.”............

Meanwhile, thousands of  Ukrainians, that according to Baird "are fighting for democracy" are having their own rally in support of the government and against the  protesters desiring to be part of the EU.

That begs the question:  Which group does Canada want to stand by while they "fight for democracy" .... will the Conservative govt. pick the pro-government side or the anti-government side.

When did Canada become such an interfering busy body? 

From LBCGroupTV:
....Tens of thousands of Ukrainians  rallied in support of President Viktor Yanukovich in central Kiev on Saturday, separated by a line of riot police from anti-government protesters who have camped out for weeks in a nearby square.
Less than a day after talks between the government and the opposition failed to resolve the political crisis, Yanukovich's supporters waved the blue flags of his Party of Regions and chanted the president's name, while many others were arriving in Kiev for a mass opposition protest planned on Sunday...

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