Thursday, December 26, 2013

How the taqiyyah masters deceive the Judas nations ....

and, I for one will not blame them.  The mega stupid Western nations are begging to be shafted by liars and hypocrites so why should we fault the taqiyyah masters for doing what's being beseeched of them?  The supposedly "Judeo-Christian" nations have been siding with Muslim nations for going on decades now ... and that too knowing fully well that the Muslim nations' only desire is to rid their lands of the last remaining Christians.  By aiding and supporting Muslim nations the West has sold the Christians living in Muslim lands for less than what Judas got for giving the whereabouts of Jesus to the Romans.

Eli Lake writing at DailyBeast:
....If the Treasury Department’s allegations are correct,  the story of al-Naimi, who until Thursday was the president of al-Karama’s board, illustrates how sometimes human-rights advocacy can also be used as political cover for jihadist networks.  Al-Karama has advocated for the release of Hassan al-Diqqi, the leader of a banned political party in the United Arab Emirates. In 2010, the group claimed credit for forcing the U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions to criticize the Emirates for his detention. In September, however, the Washington Post reported that al-Diqqi appeared in a video earlier this year at a training camp for jihadist rebels in Syria.....

...But the signs were there for some observers that al-Naimi may be an extremist, particularly when it comes to women. A 2007 U.S. cable first disclosed by WikiLeaks described him as an “Islamist hardliner” who was “critical of women taking up public leadership positions.” On Thursday, Gulf News reported al-Naimi was arrested in 2009 for opposing co-education at Qatari universities.....

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