Friday, December 20, 2013

Feminist baby killers and lesbians vent out their anger at the Catholic Church

The EU has rejected a bill which would have given more "goodies" to the depraved over and besides killing babies.

Steven Ertelt  writing at LifeNews:
 Pro-abortion feminists are not happy that the European Parliament rejected a bill that would have called abortion a human right. In response, in protest, they invaded a local Catholic church in Italy and unfurled a pro-abortion banner on the church’s altar.

“A group of pro-abortion feminists have invaded the Catholic cathedral in Bologna, Italy, to protest against the rejection by the European Parliament of the pro-abortion Estrela report,” says John Smeaton, the head of the British pro-life group Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. “The protesters unfurled a pro-abortion banner in front of the cathedral’s sanctuary. Cardinal Carlo Caffara, Bologna’s archbishop, had called upon the European Parliament to reject the Estrela report.”

A Catholic blog  has more on what happened:  
A group of militant feminists profaned the Cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna this past Monday. Masked with hoods that recall  the extreme left-wing Russian Anarchists,  abortion and aberrosexual activists protested against the rejection of the Estrela Report by the European Parliament. Before the altar, the Church opponents unfurled a banner reading: “You Occupy the Counseling Centers – We Fill the Churches” and shouted in chorus: “Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries.”.....
.......The Estrela report, which  the abortion and aberrosexual ideologues wanted to anchor as an official EU Directive, was rejected on the 10th December by the plenary of the European Parliament by a narrow margin. With the Estrela Report, named after the Portuguese Socialist Edite Estrela, the killing of unborn children in the EU would have been signed as a "women's right". The report also wanted to force all the EU Member States to legalize the artificial insemination of lesbians. The Austrian Green MEP and avowed lesbian Ulrike Lunacek had advocated significantly  in the relevant equality committee for the measure. The MEP responded to the rejection of tts report with a hysterical attack, as representative Lunacek scolded: "With the vote of the European Parliament, it bows to the pressure of ultra-conservative and reactionary politicians and non-governmental organizations". The Estrela Report also wanted to restrict the right of conscientious objection by doctors, pharmacists and medical staff in connection with abortion, contraception and artificial insemination. ..........

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