Sunday, December 1, 2013

Egypt's Muslim Bastardhood members escaping to Libya?

From the "funny" translation from the Arabic to English, I sort of surmise that 360 Egyptians flying in from Cairo to the Misrata airport in Libya were apprehended and sent back. The conniving ones were trying to gain entry on forged visas. The 360 Egyptians with fake documents were on just two flights landing there early this morning.  
Gotta wonder how many have already been able to enter Libya at other times on similar fake docs.  

Google translation from ArabicNews 
Was able to control the Passport   International Airport Misrata Libya, adjust the 360 Egyptian visas forged during their arrival on two flights from Egypt. , according to the Libyan news agency, on Sunday, the airport authorities that the returns  of those coming on the same planes

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