Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Disappointing news! Russia introduces Amnesty bill which will set free Greenpeace and Pussy Riot dimwits

Why? Why?  Releasing these hypocrites will mean they will make their way to other countries where they know they can bully without being thrown in the slammer.  Will they ever make their way to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya, Algeria and other Muslim countries who are some of the top oil producers to stage their antics?  Never!! 

From CTV via AP:
....Russia's parliament has voted for an amnesty bill that includes crew members of a Greenpeace ship and jailed members of the Pussy Riot punk band.
But it wasn't immediately clear when or if the 30 Greenpeace activists, including two Canadians, would be allowed to leave the country.
Paul Ruzycki of Port Colborne, Ont., and Alexandre Paul of Montreal were granted bail by a Russian court last month.
The amnesty has been largely viewed as the Kremlin's attempt to soothe criticism of Russia's human rights records ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi next year.
Opposition lawmakers argued it doesn't go nearly far enough and the complicated legislation appeared to leave many questions open.
Greenpeace said in a statement that the activists, who spent two months in jail after being arrested during a protest at a Russian oil rig in the Arctic, are relieved to hear news of the amnesty but added: "There is no amnesty for the Arctic."
The State Duma on Wednesday voted 446-0 in favour of the carefully tailored bill, which mainly concerns those who haven't committed violent crimes, first-time offenders, minors and women with small children.
Lawmakers said they expect about 2,000 people to be released from jail..........

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