Thursday, December 19, 2013

Canada's Foreign Policy boondoggle, the aftermath of which = $45M in initial humanitarian aid ....

although the Harper cons are not saying that the $45M  is "initial" aid,  what are the bets that Canada will have to fork out at least half a billion dollars before things quiet down in Syria and parts?  Over and above that, Canada will have to accept thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees in the coming months and years. 

What kind of nincompoops advised the Harper govt to support Assad's opponents and start the "revolution" in Syria?  Did Harper know that the "revolution" was a proxy war between Syria and Iran on one side and several other nations on the other side?  Of course, he did!  

From Govt.Canada News:
The ongoing conflict in Syria  continues to have devastating humanitarian consequences across the region. The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie, outlined today the details of the $45 million in Canadian humanitarian assistance announced by Prime Minister Harper on September 6, 2013.

"Canada continues to work with humanitarian organizations to address the most pressing needs on the ground. With the arrival of winter, millions of Syrians impacted by the ongoing conflict  require improved shelter, warm clothes and food, emergency health care, and protection services," said Minister Paradis.

Since early 2011, millions of people have been affected by the violence in Syria, with many fleeing the country due to the deteriorating humanitarian situation. An estimated 9.3 million people in Syria, of whom 6.5 million are internally displaced, require humanitarian assistance. In addition, there are close to three million Syrian refugees—2.3 million registered and an estimated 620,000 unregistered—living in neighbouring countries.

"Canada remains committed to saving lives and addressing the most critical needs of those affected by this crisis. We continue to call for a political solution to this crisis, and while it is ongoing, it is imperative that all sides allow for safe and unhindered access to humanitarian workers," added Minister Paradis.

Please visit Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's website for more information on Canada's response to the crisis in Syria........

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