Thursday, December 19, 2013

Big Boost for Sun News Network

Guess we will continue to get 40% more truth than the CBC which gives us only about 30% of the facts .... which still means we will get only about 70% of unbiased news from SunTV.  Oh well .... it's better than what we were fed before SunTV came on the scene.

From SunNews:
 ....The CRTC is shaking up the broadcasting landscape, with a major decision that will make more news channels available to Canadians.
The broadcast regulator says it will require all cable and satellite companies in Canada to offer Sun News Network, along with all other Canadian news channels, to all their subscribers as of March 19.
"Canadian news services are an important part of our democracy," CRTC chairman Jean-Pierre Blais said in a statement Thursday. "With the rules we are announcing today, Canadians, as citizens, will have access to the news services that are of interest to them and will therefore have an opportunity to be exposed to a variety of opinions on matters of public concern."
The decision does not mean that all cable and satellite subscribers will automatically get every Canadian news channel in their basic package.
Still, it does mean that Canadians will at least have the option to subscribe to them - a choice many Canadians have not yet been able to make with Sun News.....

From Globe&Mail:
....Canada’s broadcasting regulator   is breathing new life into Sun News.

Rule changes revealed Thursday by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will force television providers to carry all five Canadian “Category C” national news channels, including upstart Sun News Network, which has struggled to gain access to viewers across the country.....

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