Monday, December 2, 2013

Australia's Liberals tearing out hair in chucks ...

because Conservative govt. reins in spending.
The Liberals had almost ruined the country.  It will take Tony Abbott's govt. at least a decade to fix the Liberal mess. Good to see the new govt. hasn't wasted any time pulling at the reins.  Expect to see a lot of bald lefties in Australia.

From CourierMail:
....More than $50 million will be saved over four years by changing how long someone has to live in Australia before receiving the pension.
Currently a person who has been out of the country for 26 weeks continues to get their pension if they lived in Australia for 25 years.
That will change to 35 years next year.
And from July 1, 2014, the length of time that families can be temporarily overseas and continue to receive family and parental payments will reduce from three years to 56 weeks.
Parents with teens have also been targeted, which will save $76 million over four years.
From January 2014, Family Tax Benefit Part A will be paid to families only up to the end of the calendar year in which their teen completes school.
Eligibility will be removed for 16 and 17-year-olds who have finished their Year 12 qualification. The benefit will also be slashed for families whose children have completed school and have a job.....

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