Friday, December 13, 2013

Apartheid rampaging in Britain .... the same country that's praising the death of apartheid in South Africa

How much more hypocritical can one get!
While most Brits, especially those at the public-funded BBC, are endlessly praising how Mandela put an end to apartheid in South Africa,  they shut their eyes to what's happening in their own country.  Hypocrites!!

Graeme Archer writing at TelegraphUK:
....I almost thought the BBC went a wee bit overboard in its coverage of Nelson Mandela’s memorial service this week – they sent 120 people! But the distribution of chairs in our places of higher education (of all things) has made me reconsider. It would have been a good use of the licence fee, if the liberal Left in Britain had learnt anything at all from Mandela’s story. But those in charge of our universities appear to be completely deaf to what the man was trying to say.....

.....In Britain, “Universities UK” (the rebranded committee of principals and vice-chancellors) has given succour to injustice-merchants whose politics are just as wicked as those who devised race-based apartheid.
Because whatever the adjective in front of the noun, forcible segregation is unjust. Whether you keep blacks from whites or Jews from gentiles – or women from men – then you are tolerating apartheid. Apartheid, n: A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.

If religious obsessives visit our campuses and request gender-based segregation then it’s not time to mince words. Such practice is alien to the British way of life, and intolerable. By extension, to let such views pass unopposed – to support them by omission – is to commit the secondary sin. Which comes first? The outrageously un-British practice? Or the liberal fools who encourage it?

“We’re just promoting tolerance of those who wish to be segregated.” My response to that is unprintable in The Daily Telegraph. If you come to my house and I ask you to remove your shoes, would you refuse to comply? Would you like to be the young woman on campus who stands up, alone in a room of bearded men, to declare her desire not to take her seat in the female-only enclosure?

It is the more disgusting that Universities UK attempted to defend its decision on the basis of equality. When segregating women, the report urges, don’t shove them to the back of the room (oh, that you were with us now, Rosa Parks). That would be discriminatory, and you could fall foul of some statute or other.

No, the trick to a smooth cordoning-off exercise lies in pretending that the second-class status you bestow on every female is actually a badge of equality. I am not making this up. The report says: “Assuming the side-by-side segregated seating arrangement is adopted, there does not appear to be any discrimination on gender grounds merely by imposing segregated seating. Both men and women are being treated equally, as they are both being segregated in the same way.”

It’s the doublethink, the weaselly “inequality-equals-equality” guff that makes you sick. Even the “Equality and Human Rights Commission” (thank God we’ve got one of those! Because none of this is the predictable outcome of the Left’s obsession with identity politics, is it?) has suggested that the advice may be illegal. They’re now “working” with Universities UK to revise the segregation guidance..........

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