Friday, December 6, 2013

1989 massacre in Montreal of 14 young women only because they were female

1989 was several years before I immigrated to Canada but I heard so much about this horrible massacre that it has made an impact on me just as much as it must have made on the people who were here at that time.

Marc Lepine the killer was the son of an Algerian Muslim father and a Canadian Christian woman. Was it the  largely misogynistic nature of his father's faith that led to his intense hatred of women?  In the dhimmihood of a politically correct Canada, you are not likely to find a truthful nor a satisfactory answer.

The 14 young women were:
Geneviève Bergeron, 
Hélène Colgan, 
Nathalie Croteau, 
Barbara Daigneault, 
Anne-Marie Edward, 
Maud Haviernick, 
Barbara Klueznick, 
Maryse Laganière, 
Maryse Leclair, 
Anne-Marie Lemay, 
Sonia Pelletier, 
Michèle Richard, 
Annie Saint-Arsenault, 
Annie Turcotte.

Julie Bindel writing at the GuardianUK:
...Mélissa Blais, a lecturer and doctoral student at the University of Quebec, is the country's leading scholar on the topic of the massacre and its anti-feminist context. She interviewed a number of women for her research who were active feminists in 1989 and found that many felt responsible for what happened at Montreal. "Afterwards, they chose to be silent to avoid further attack.

"When I became a feminist, around the year 2000, I was puzzled to see that some were still reluctant to talk in political terms about the attack. It seemed as though the most efficient way to dismiss the feminist explanation was to reduce everything to the psychology of a single mad man."

Pelletier agrees that Lépine's act was highly political and believes he knew exactly what he was doing that day. "I always felt those women died in my name. Some of them probably weren't even feminist," she says, "they just had the nerve to believe they were peers, not subordinates of their male classmates.....

Supriya Swivedi writing  at NationalPost:
...Remembering the Montreal massacre is a vigil worth holding....
.......Conversely, in the Polytechnique shooting, all of the shooting fatalities were women, Marc Lépine chose his victims for the sole reason that they were women studying engineering, which in his eyes was a field reserved for men, and his political message was that he was fighting feminism. Before he opened fire, Lépine shouted: “You’re all a bunch of feminists, and I hate feminists!” I’m not sure how he could have made his motivation any clearer. I suppose he could have included it in a manifesto and a suicide note…although, he did that as well.
I do not doubt that Lépine may have suffered from mental illness. As Kay points out, Lépine had an abusive childhood and a history of anti-social behaviour. What I fail to understand is how that should have any bearing on how we pay homage to the victims. Should Columbine stop remembering its tragedy because the shooters were likely insane? Dawson College? Virginia Tech? Of course not..........

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