Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who is Anthony Piazza? If you depended on taxpayer funded CBC to tell you the truth, you would be kept in the dark forever

The duplicity of the Canadian media is nothing short of criminality.  Often times, although Canadian bloggers would like to link to our own media outlets, we are force to look elsewhere. The reason is simple .... it's always, ALWAYS, media outlets outside Canada that have more concrete and more comprehensive news on not only internal Canadian issues but also worldwide. Our media is sunk 6-feet under because of their  politically correct stance that it seems to value more than the truth.  

Sun News Network is still in its infancy and operate on less than probably 30% of the budget that is allocated by our generous government to the CBC... but their darts  hit closer to the Truth more often than the state sponsored CBC's .....  every single time.

On October 29 CBC reported this: 
....The bail hearing for Antony Piazza, the Montreal man accused of bringing bomb-making materials onto a plane, has been delayed until Nov. 6.
More than one lawyer for the defendant showed up at the Montreal courthouse today.
The 71-year-old man is facing charges of possession of an explosive device, endangering an aircraft and mischief in connection with a scare at Montreal's Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport Sunday morning.....

On Nov. 12 CBC reported this:
Antony Piazza, the man accused of trying to bring bomb-making materials onto a plane at the Montreal airport, is facing a new charge that carries a maximum sentence of 14 years.
The new charge is for placing on board an aircraft anything that is likely to cause damage to the aircraft, that will render it incapable of flight or that is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft in flight.....

You would have thought that even if they were not conspiring to mislead us about the real identity of Anthony Piazza, they would have, between Oct 30 and Nov. 12 have had the knowledge that Anthony Piazza is a MUSLIM and not a Catholic as the name implies.  Yet, the state sponsored news media chose to mislead the very people who fund the network.  

Being a Catholic and proud of being a member of a peaceful group, this deliberate duplicity on the part of CBC,  has offended me as it must have offended many other Canadian Catholics.   Moreover, the idiots at CBC don't know how to spell "Anthony"  ... they miss out on the "h" in the name.  And, mind you, these are the "journalists" who are paid big bucks while bloggers like  me who are patriotic to the core live below the poverty level.  What a wonderful world!!!

Here's the kosher news from a country far away from Canada .. from the UK's Daily Mail.   Thank You Daily Mail.  

Iranian-born man, 71, charged after security screeners 'find bomb components in his carry-on luggage' at Montreal airport 
The package was found inside a suitcase at Trudeau airport's terminal early Sunday morning
The U.S. screening area at Trudeau airport was closed and a number of American bound flights were delayed after the discovery 
Authorities surrounded five blocks in the nearby residential suburb of LaSalle and evacuated dozens of homes as they searched for the suspect
One residence was searched and a bomb disposal robot was brought in while the suspect's vehicle was also searched.
A 71-year-old Iranian-born Canadian has been charged with endangering Montreal's Trudeau International Airport after security screeners allegedly found bomb-making components in luggage he was attempting to carry aboard a plane bound for Los Angeles. 
Anthony Piazza was charged Monday with mischief, endangering the safety of an aircraft or airport and being in illegal possession of an explosive substance. 
The incident partly shut down Montreal's main airport for several hours on Sunday and caused a neighborhood to be shut down for a police search.
Police found wires, bullets, and a powder inside the bag, his attorney, Louis Morena, said.
Authorities say the components were not assembled into a bomb, but could be used to make one. 
Piazza, who is originally from Tehran, changed his name in the 1980s from the Iranian Houshang Nazemi to the Italian moniker Anthony Piazza, said Morena. He previously served a 10-year-sentence under that name in Canadian prison for smuggling drugs into the country....


  1. I went to the CBC site to read the latest posting on the incident. I then just made this comment(based on your posting) a few minutes ago
    "What? You PC leftist dogs too cowardly to tell the full truth? Do your job!! That this guy is no Italian Catholic as implied in his stated name. He is a Muslim. I will be surprised if you actually allow this to be posted."

    I had to do a search for the story and there were no other comments. The comment was still visible when I checked a few minutes ago but it is awaiting moderation. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/antony-piazza-faces-new-charge-in-airport-bomb-scare-1.2423602

    1. Canuckguy ... I doubt they will publish your comment. Criticism is not welcomed by our taxpayers' funded money sucking machine.
      The galling thing is ... if the guy was a Christian converted to islam, the CBC would have harped on it and kept implying no end how the man's real identity is Christian,etc.etc.

    2. Canuckguy .... surprise, surprise!! They published your comment. hahahahah.
      I would like to see the CBC hollowed out and replaced by commonsense managers and journalists. Doubt it will ever happen. Sad that they can't see that the very multicult Canada they desired has also brought in tonnes of people like moi who are more on the Right than they could have ever imagined.

  2. Well blow me down, they did!
    I listened to the latest offering of the CBC.ca site, a video report. Still no mention of his actual background. They mentioned that his neighbours said he was a very nice guy, quiet and kept to himself.

  3. The CBC Terms and Conditions for 'comments' I may have violated #2 and #9e but I am still visible. People don't read their site much judging from lack of comments.
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