Thursday, November 7, 2013

When you want a major PR farce for mass feeding the gullible, call Edelman

Yes, call Edelman. With over 4000 employees and more than 60 offices worldwide, and countless affiliates, with names other than "Edelman"  the PR firm is able to make you think that wearing an apple peal pinned to your hair will make you look more appealing or they can take a person, any person ... and make a multi-million industry from their personality.

Sara Mourad  writing at Jadaliyya:
....Many have written about Malala’s fame.  Journalist Assed Baig argued that Western journalists and politicians have used Malala to appease their white man’s burden, to hide their sins in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to divert attention from the Western-caused suffering of many in the region. In a recent piece on Al-Jazeera, Murtaza Hussain compared Malala to nine-year-old Pakistani girl Nabila Rehman who came to Washington D.C. to testify before Congress about the drone attack that killed her grandmother last year. Only five out of 430 representatives came to hear Nabila’s story. For Hussain, Malala Politicians and pundits used Malala as the human face of the American-led War on Terror, on behalf of whom “the United States and its allies can say they have been unleashing such incredible bloodshed.” Nabila, on the other hand, had become, “simply another one of the millions of nameless, faceless people who have had their lives destroyed over the past decade of American wars.”..................

...........As the French magazine Le Point  put it, Malala had become “an enterprise,” one that is run by the world’s largest independently owned public relations firm, Edelman. The multimillion dollar firm had allegedly dispatched five employees to assist Malala and her family, pro bono, in managing the media interest in her campaign. McKinsey, the renowned American global management consulting firm, is also involved in the campaign, handling the Malala Fund for the education of girls......

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