Sunday, November 3, 2013

United Kingdom gone to the Caliphate, like we predicted ....

many years ago.  However, none of us thought it would happen so quickly and without any fanfare.

The Passion for Freedom, an organization based in London have their small get togethers once a year to award documentaries, short films or any other art form which highlight the perils to freedom in our modern world.  

Some of what they exhibit might be an affront to the religious-minded, but freedom means everybody has a right to insult everybody ... at least, IMO.  

This year the venue where they were supposed to have the event was cancelled at the last minute and the reason given was "security concerns."   I know that if I say it was because of the UK's overlords, Saudi Arabia's controlling power over the new caliphate,  most everybody reading this will say "there she goes again with her paranoia" .... so I won't.  However, I will just inform you that one of the short films shown at the hastily acquired new venue, which was no larger than an outsize basement,  the organization showed "No woman, no drive"  and leave it to you to exercise your brain cells.  I already have a headache with over-exercising mine.

The organization also  brought attention to "Silent Conquest"  a documentary worth watching if you haven't done so already, and to two other docs I had not heard about before now.  Will post them later if worth watching.

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