Saturday, November 30, 2013

The fruits of Canadian Immigration Department's failures

"people of Hungarian descent"  .... should we read that as "Roma" or "gypsies" ? 
According to me, the best stick the opposition has when tackling the Conservative govt. is to bring up all the boondoggles of the Conservative-run Immigration Dept.  However, knowing that the immigrant community won't take kindly to any such criticism of other immigrants, and as every politician will sell even their mother for the immigrant vote, the opposition remains silent and the Conservatives carry on their merry way importing every Tom, Dick and plenty of Mohammads without proper scrutiny of their background and without proper reining in of people entering Canada on visit visas and staying put to become members of fraudulent entities.

From RCMP:
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Financial Crime Unit in conjunction with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP anti-rackets branch) and Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) have thwarted an alleged organized crime ring targeting the Ontario government and the private banking industry. Police estimate that millions have been lost through fraudulent social assistance payments, stolen cheques and bank related frauds...
....The following individuals have been charged with Fraud over $5,000, Possession of identity information, Possession of property obtained by crime and Conspiracy to commit the above offences:
Jeno LAKATOS (40) of Toronto, Ontario
Jozsef VIRAG (25) of Toronto, Ontario
Nikoletta ARGHANDEWAL (38) (AKA Nikoletta VARGA, BOZYEL and STOKES) of Toronto, Ontario.....

From TorontoSun:
“People of Hungarian descent, .... who were awaiting deportation from Canada, were recruited to open fraudulent bank accounts,” RCMP Sgt. Vance Morgan said Wednesday, explaining one facet of the “elaborate scheme.”
Once they were booted out of the country, others in Canada continued to manage those bank accounts, the project team leader said.
“Cheques from businesses, individuals and the provincial government were intercepted and deposited into the fraudulent accounts,” Morgan said. “And when investigators looked into those accounts and tried to find the individuals who had opened them, they were no longer in the country......

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