Friday, November 1, 2013

Strict sharia rules imposed on areas of Syria now under Western-backed jihadi control

The new regulations as below, taken in part from the translation at video.  The stuff in brackets, are my comments.

No more jeans or sweaters for women,  they must wear tents (just like in Saudi Arabia)
No more cosmetics or makeup 
No more cigarette smoking or sucking on hookah from Nov.15
No more barbershops, they will be closed  (just like in Saudi Arabia)
No more short hair for men, no more cutting of beards  
No more store displays of mannequins or women's clothing, vendors must be females (just like in Saudi Arabia)
No more tailor shops for women in case of male tailors in shops
No more billboards showing advertisements of women-related items (just like in Saudi Arabia)
If someone uses term "ISIL" punishment of 70 lashes as correct term is "the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."
No more gynecologists for women  
No more modern hairstyles for men
No more putting of any material in hair for men (gel and scented oils, I presume ... lice and mice is okay)
No more low-rise jeans for men 
Girls cannot sit on chairs  (I think this means that any woman accompanying a man will have to stand while he sits.)
Smoking or selling cigarettes is forbidden.  Stores that don't abide by new law will be burnt down and smokers can even face death penalty.
All commerce will stop at prayer times, law breakers will be punished (this means all shops will have to close 5 times a day. This is the practice in Saudi Arabia and some of the areas in the UAE,  Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar)

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