Friday, November 29, 2013

Saudi Arabia intends ridding itself of 2 Million migrant workers

Wonder what will happen to all the fat fucks so used to the cheap labor from the poor countries of Africa and Asia.  Although the Saudis want to portray the migrants as illegals, that is seldom the case.  These people have paid thousands of dollars to the Saudis for work visas.  The visas they get are the kind that won't allow them to work anywhere outside of the "sponsor's" domain.  What happens is, the Saudis take the money, give the visas and then tell the poor souls that they will have to look for work elsewhere as the "sponsor" is not hiring.  Bottom line: These people become illegal while trying to find employment in other households.

Ian Black writing at the GuardianUK:
....Saudi Arabia's foreign labour crackdown   drives out 2m migrants.
Ethiopian workers face hostility amid 'Saudisation' campaign to control foreign labour and get more Saudi citizens into work.

Manfouha is the bleak frontline in Saudi Arabia's campaign to get rid of its illegal foreign workers, control the legal ones and help get more of its own citizens into work. This month two or three Ethiopians were killed here after a raid erupted into full-scale rioting.
Until recently, of the kingdom's 30 million residents, more than nine million were non-Saudis. Since the labour crackdown started in March, one million Bangladeshis, Indians, Filipinos, Nepalis, Pakistanis and Yemenis have left. And the campaign has moved into higher gear after the final deadline expired on 4 November, with dozens of repatriation flights now taking place every day. By next year, two million migrants will have gone......

..........Incidents involving Ethiopians are reported almost obsessively on Twitter and YouTube and across mainstream media outlets. Ethiopians complain in turn of being robbed and beaten, and of routine abuse and mistreatment by their Saudi employers. Protests have been held outside Saudi embassies in several countries. Prejudice is so rife that the Ethiopian ambassador had to insist that the Muslim or Christian beliefs of his compatriots prevented them from practising sorcery........

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