Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Russia benefits from the West's romance with the Muslim Bastardhood

Egypt has seen how the West, especially Obama and gang, sided with Morsi and the Muslim Bros.  The educated masses in Egypt hate the islamic group with a vengeance and when it was made clear to them that the Obama administration was hand-in-glove with their enemy,  it told them volumes about Obama and his intentions.  Naturally,  they now prefer being friendly with Russia,  a country that is far more knowledgeable about the evils of islamic extremism and the ideology of the Muslim Bros.

From Bloomberg:
Russia is negotiating its biggest weapons deals  with Egypt since the Cold War as it seeks to capitalize on U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to cut defense aid to the military-backed government.
Egypt is seeking as much as $2 billion of Russian weaponry, including MiG-29 fighter planes, air-defense systems and anti-tank missiles, said Ruslan Pukhov, a member of the Russian Defense Ministry’s advisory board and head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies in Moscow.....

......Egyptian officials are seeking financing from an unidentified Persian Gulf country to buy as much as $4 billion of Russian arms, Palestinian newspaper Dunia al-Watan reported Nov. 6, citing unidentified people familiar with the matter. Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait have pledged at least $12 billion to Egypt’s new government.

Russia signed a weapons deal with Iraq last year that’s worth more than $4.2 billion, its biggest with that Middle Eastern country since the ouster of Saddam Hussein in 2003........

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